Title: Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot
Author: Margot Theis Raven
Illustrator: Gijsbert van Frankenbuyzen
Type: Non-fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 3rd-12th
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Author: Margot Theis Raven
Illustrator: Gijsbert van Frankenbuyzen
Type: Non-fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 3rd-12th
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Date of Publication: 2002
ISBN: 978-1585360697
Synopsis: This is the true story of American pilot, Gail Halvorsen, and Mercedes Simon, a young German girl, and their experience during the Berlin airlift in World War II. Gail Halvorsen, feeling for the German children around his airbase, has begun dropping small parachutes with candy for them before landing. The children begin to write letters to him, calling him the Chocolate Pilot. Mercedes writes a letter detailing how she enjoys watching him fly over her house, but that his plane is scaring her chickens and they will not lay eggs. The pilot mails her a box of candy. The book also includes details about the actual event.
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ISBN: 978-1585360697
Synopsis: This is the true story of American pilot, Gail Halvorsen, and Mercedes Simon, a young German girl, and their experience during the Berlin airlift in World War II. Gail Halvorsen, feeling for the German children around his airbase, has begun dropping small parachutes with candy for them before landing. The children begin to write letters to him, calling him the Chocolate Pilot. Mercedes writes a letter detailing how she enjoys watching him fly over her house, but that his plane is scaring her chickens and they will not lay eggs. The pilot mails her a box of candy. The book also includes details about the actual event.
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