Title: See How They Run: Campaign Dreams, Election Schemes, and the Race to the White House
Author: Susan E. Goodman
Illustrator: Elwood H. Smith
Type: Non-Fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 5th-adult
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's Books
Author: Susan E. Goodman
Illustrator: Elwood H. Smith
Type: Non-Fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 5th-adult
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's Books
Date of Publication: 2008
ISBN: 978-1599902852
Synopsis: A witty and entertaining look at how the election process works in the United States. The first section of the book covers the history of democracy including its Roman roots, the rise of democracy in the United States, and the formation of political parties and their symbols. The second section details how campaigning works from how someone goes about running for president, to primaries and conventions, to the involvement of the media in the process. Sections three and four discuss how the presidency is won, fraud in the election process, and what happens on inauguration day. Section five covers the importance of voting. The writing throughout the book is student-friendly and engaging. There are multiple anecdotes, bits of trivia, and entertaining facts accompanied by cartoon drawings and photos.
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ISBN: 978-1599902852
Synopsis: A witty and entertaining look at how the election process works in the United States. The first section of the book covers the history of democracy including its Roman roots, the rise of democracy in the United States, and the formation of political parties and their symbols. The second section details how campaigning works from how someone goes about running for president, to primaries and conventions, to the involvement of the media in the process. Sections three and four discuss how the presidency is won, fraud in the election process, and what happens on inauguration day. Section five covers the importance of voting. The writing throughout the book is student-friendly and engaging. There are multiple anecdotes, bits of trivia, and entertaining facts accompanied by cartoon drawings and photos.
Lesson plan link
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