Title: Spaghetti and Meatballs for All: A Mathematical Story
Author: Marilyn Burns
Author: Marilyn Burns
Illustrator: Debbie Tilley
Type: Fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 2nd - 8th
Publisher: Scholastic
Type: Fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 2nd - 8th
Publisher: Scholastic
Date of Publication: 2008
ISBN: 978-0545044455
Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Comfort have decided to host a spaghetti dinner for their family and friends. Mr. Comfort plans the menu while Mrs. Comfort handles the seating arrangements. She carefully lays out a plan, order tables and chairs, and carefully arranges everything so that everyone who comes will have a place to sit. Unfortunately, as family and friends arrive, they rearrange the tables and chairs. Each time they are rearranged, there are fewer places to for everyone to sit.
ISBN: 978-0545044455
Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Comfort have decided to host a spaghetti dinner for their family and friends. Mr. Comfort plans the menu while Mrs. Comfort handles the seating arrangements. She carefully lays out a plan, order tables and chairs, and carefully arranges everything so that everyone who comes will have a place to sit. Unfortunately, as family and friends arrive, they rearrange the tables and chairs. Each time they are rearranged, there are fewer places to for everyone to sit.
This book is a great resource for sparking discussion about surface area, perimeter, standards units, spatial reasoning, and other geometry related topics. The story is followed by an explanation (along with illustrations) of the mathematical concepts covered in the story.
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