Title: Pigs Will be Pigs
Author: Amy Axelrod
Author: Amy Axelrod
Illustrator: Sharon McGinley-Nally
Type: Fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 2-6
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Type: Fiction
Approximate Interest Level: 2-6
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Date of Publication: 2014
ISBN: 978-0689812194
ISBN: 978-0689812194
The Pigs are hungry, but there's no food in the house. They want to go to a local restaurant, but don't have enough money. They begin searching the house, finding money in some of the strangest places. They finally find enough money, and go out for a nice relaxing dinner only to return home to their disaster of a house. The book contains a page at the end detailing the money they found, and challenging readers to figure out how much they spent at the restaurant.
Possible Teaching Points: 1) money